Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Chapter of Errors coming soon!

Thank you all so much for your comments here, on twitter, and via e-mail in response to my last post. I can't express enough how much your encouragement means to me!  I am so glad that it's not just John and I who love our E&O boys. :)

The votes are in and it looks like the majority wants me to post the next chapter of Errors now, so I will oblige. My wonderful Beta, Natalie, has been through the chapter and has returned her comments. Now I have to find time to review them and finalize the chapter before posting. I wish I could say that this will happen in a couple of days, but my work schedule this week is nuts and I do have a deadline on editing and proofreading a story for the Goodreads Love Has No Boundaries event, so I have to give that a priority on whatever spare time I have. Rest assured, however, that I will finalize the chapter just as quickly as I can.

For those of you who have requested the summary, I apologize for not sending it yet. Again, it's a question of time allocation and I just did not have time to finish the summary last week. But if you sent me an e-mail, you will see that summary soon, and in any event no later than the posting of the next chapter here.  The summary will take you to the end of the story as I envision it at the time of completing the summary, though you may still want to come back here when the story is finished to make sure the boys didn't dictate any major changes in the plot :).

Also, I received the comment that there seemed to be a problem with the link for Equal & Opposite.  I have no idea what happened, but just to clarify, the blog for that story is still active and the story is available for your reading pleasure. I believe I fixed the link issue, but if there is a problem in the future, all of my E&O blogs are linked together and linked to the author blog, so jumping over to, say, the Enticements blog and clicking on the Equal link may get you there if the link from here does not. That goes for any links to any of the stories.  Sometimes blogger just has a hick up, I guess. *rolls eyes* Thank you for letting me know about the broken link and I hope that helps!

Sending you all bunches of tight hugs!

Love, Liz

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