Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas!  I hope you all have a wonderful day full of family fun and presents!

If you'd like to see what Christmas looks like at my house, check out this blog post on my YA author's blog.

If you're looking for last minute Christmas gifts or you have an Amazon gift card burning a hole in your pocket or a brand new kindle to fill, my Liz Winters original stories are all available on Amazon for only $0.99 through the end of the day. That includes Harbor with Caution, the sequel to Handle with Care, which was just released last week.

Or if you prefer a sweet YA story, check out my YA novel, selected as a top 3 book of the 2013 by a prominent reviewer on a YA LGBTQ book review blog. It's not on sale, but 50% of the proceeds will go to help LGBTQ homeless youth through Lost 'n Found Youth in Atlanta, GA.

Thank you for all your support and patience (which will hopefully soon be rewarded, as I'm starting to work on the next chapter of Errors)! Again, happy holidays and a very happy new year!

Love, Liz.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Quick status update

November 1 marked the release of my first novel. It was released exactly a year to the day I began writing it during last year's NaNoWriMo. (Please note the different pen name - I decided to use it so that my mature audience writings wouldn't be as easily accessible to any young adult readers.)

If you're interested in purchasing a copy of the book or reading a free sample, you can find it on Amazon or Smashwords.  And if you leave a comment on this blog post before November 7, you'll have a chance to win a free copy.

With regards to Errors, there have been a lot of things going on at my work that have made writing impossible. I have not written anything new, fan fiction or original fiction, in about six weeks.  I'm hoping that the situation will finally stabilize this month (perhaps as soon as this Friday) which will allow me to go back to writing Errors.  Please keep your fingers crossed. I would love to get you more of the boys' story soon.

As always, thank you for your support!  Sending you all big apologetic and grateful hugs.  Love, Liz

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fanfiction and Original Fiction updates

Hi there,

It's been a while since I posted an update, and one is way overdue. The fan fiction stuff first, since this is the author blog for my fan fiction work. In case you missed it, I recently posted chapter 65 of Errors and Omissions and earlier today I posted chapter 66. You'll find both on the Errors and Omissions blog.

Also, John has been posting new chapters of Culture Aftershock. I last let you know here about his post of Chapter 32. Well, earlier today he posted Chapter 37, so if you haven't been reading all along, you have a few chapters to catch up on. There's some great stuff in there too, and you'll even see Jasper and Edward. You'll find all the chapters of Culture Shock on ffn here:

And please remember, your feedback feeds our creativity. We don't write for comments, and we don't always have enough time to respond, but we definitely read all of them and we sure do like hearing what you thought of the stories as they progress.

And speaking of progress, John is way ahead of me on that front, with several chapters of CA "in the can". However, that's a good thing as a lot of these chapters need to be posted before his storyline catches up with mine. That will give me time to get a little ahead with Errors. Fortunately, I am back in the groove, and with luck I can just keep on writing in between the stuff I have to do for my originals to bring Errors to an end as soon as possible.

So, what's going on with my original works?  Well, you may have noticed that the release of my first YA novel has been significantly delayed. My post-beta edits took a lot longer than I anticipated and then my proofreader encountered some real life delays, so at this point I hope to publish by the end of the month, but it may not happen until October. However, I should be in a position to post the first chapter as a teaser in a  few days. Look for that on my OF blog:

I'm also working on a follow up to Handle With Care. The sequel will start eight months after the end of the original and Dean and Gabe will be faced with a situation involving someone from one of their past that will either bring them closer together or tear them apart. I would love to be able to release this story in time for the Christmas season, close to the anniversary of the release of the first story.

One other thing I want to mention. The problems faced by homeless LGBTQ youth are real and horrifying, and in part to raise awareness but also to raise funds, I'm donating 50% of the proceeds from the sale of both of my OF stories in August and September to Lost N Found Youth, an Atlanta charitable organization that helps get LGBTQ homeless youths off the streets. Not only that, I will also donate $0.50 for every copy of my friend, Alp Mortal's story, Squat, sold in August and September, up to a limit of 100 copies. That money comes directly out of my pocket, regardless of how many of my own stories I sell, but I love the sweet modern-day fairy tale featuring two homeless young men so much I don't mind putting my own money behind it for a good cause. Squat is only $0.99, so please give it a shot and help us raise money for a good cause. You can read more of the details behind the fundraiser in this post on my OF blog:

I have a pretty humble goal of raising at least $50, the minimum I need to get matching funds from my employer. Unfortunately, August sales have been a bit slow, so I don't know if I'll be able to make the goal. In truth, I was hoping sales of my new YA book would drive up the total, but now that publication has been delayed, I can't count on that. So I would humbly ask you to let your m/m reader friends know about the fundraiser and to check out Handle With Care, Lakeside Reunion, and Squat. Please notice that the retail price for both of my stories is now $2.99 at all retail outlets, but for the budget conscious there are Smashwords coupon codes posted on my website that reduce the price of Handle With Care by 50% and the price of Lakeside Reunion by 66%. Smashwords has all major e-book formats available and it's the only place where you can get the stories at the reduced prices. And yes, half of my proceeds from the Smashwords sales, even at the lower prices, will also be donated to Lost N Found Youth.

Thank you so much for reading my fan fictions and for helping to spread the word about my original works and the Lost N Found Youth fundraiser. You're all the best!

Love, Liz  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

DOMA is dead and good riddance! Celebrate with free (with coupon code) stories!

The US Supreme Court could have made me happier yesterday by declaring any law that prohibits gays and lesbians from getting married unconstitutional, but even though they fell a little short of that mark, their ruling on DOMA is still a huge leap in the right direction. I know we are all pleased as punch that every person who is legally married will now receive equal treatment under US federal law. There are still battles left to fight in the various states, but the tide and momentum is shifting and I firmly believe our cause will some day soon win the day across the nation.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I am offering my two published original stories free on Smashwords with a coupon code.  They're both available in multiple e-book formats, so whether you have a PC, an e-book reader or can only read on-line, you should be able to do so.  Just make sure to type in the coupon code when you're checking out   The coupon codes are only good today, so grab your free stories and tell your friends soon!

To get a copy of  Lakeside Reunion for free, use coupon code NN49G

To get a copy of Handle With Care for free, use coupon code HY59X

Enjoy reading and celebrate one giant step closer to full marriage equality!

Love, Liz

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My originals now on Smashwords

For those of you who prefer to read e-books in formats other than Kindle, or who prefer not to purchase e-books from Amazon, both of my original stories are now available in a variety of e-book formats on Smashwords.

You can find my latest, Lakeside Reunion, at:

And you can find Handle With Care at:

Please note, for this new release I updated the Handle with Care cover. To use marketers' favorite turn of phrase "New Packaging! - Same great taste!" LOL!  Hope you like it!

Of course, both e-books continue to be available at Amazon.  You can find them on my Amazon author page.

Happy Reading!

Love, Liz

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Original Fiction Short Story: Lakeside Reunion

If you're in the mood for some original fiction, you might consider checking out my new M/M/M erotica short story, Lakeside Reunion.
It's a story about three former college roommates who get together for an informal reunion a year after graduation and discover some secret desires they never shared before. 

There is some plot but it's mostly porn, so if you don't enjoy my style of writing citrus this probably is not the right story for you. Otherwise, you may want to check out how these three hotties spend their night :) 

The e-book is available at

(you can also find it on Amazon's international sites by searching for B00D4WEDFE)

You may also want to check out my blog and web site. I posted information on the YA page about my upcoming novel :)

Thanks for reading and happy Sunday!


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Errors & Omissions Chapter 64 is up!

Happy Memorial day! Errors & Omissions Chapter 64 is up! Click here to read the author's note or click here for a direct link to the chapter. Happy reading!

Love, Liz.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

New Chapter of Errors coming soon!

Thank you all so much for your comments here, on twitter, and via e-mail in response to my last post. I can't express enough how much your encouragement means to me!  I am so glad that it's not just John and I who love our E&O boys. :)

The votes are in and it looks like the majority wants me to post the next chapter of Errors now, so I will oblige. My wonderful Beta, Natalie, has been through the chapter and has returned her comments. Now I have to find time to review them and finalize the chapter before posting. I wish I could say that this will happen in a couple of days, but my work schedule this week is nuts and I do have a deadline on editing and proofreading a story for the Goodreads Love Has No Boundaries event, so I have to give that a priority on whatever spare time I have. Rest assured, however, that I will finalize the chapter just as quickly as I can.

For those of you who have requested the summary, I apologize for not sending it yet. Again, it's a question of time allocation and I just did not have time to finish the summary last week. But if you sent me an e-mail, you will see that summary soon, and in any event no later than the posting of the next chapter here.  The summary will take you to the end of the story as I envision it at the time of completing the summary, though you may still want to come back here when the story is finished to make sure the boys didn't dictate any major changes in the plot :).

Also, I received the comment that there seemed to be a problem with the link for Equal & Opposite.  I have no idea what happened, but just to clarify, the blog for that story is still active and the story is available for your reading pleasure. I believe I fixed the link issue, but if there is a problem in the future, all of my E&O blogs are linked together and linked to the author blog, so jumping over to, say, the Enticements blog and clicking on the Equal link may get you there if the link from here does not. That goes for any links to any of the stories.  Sometimes blogger just has a hick up, I guess. *rolls eyes* Thank you for letting me know about the broken link and I hope that helps!

Sending you all bunches of tight hugs!

Love, Liz

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Original Fiction Update

For those of you who are interested in my original fiction stories, you can now get the latest news and information on my blog and website: The link will take you to my blog and from there you can explore the side via buttons in the side-bar.  The site is still under construction, but it does have a preview of the cover of the new YA LGBTQ novel I plan to self-publish in June and other status updates on my original works. As I get more time, I hope to write more insightful posts and bring you more varied content, such as interviews with other m/m authors and posts from other bloggers.  I hope you check it out and let me know what you think. :)

Errors Update

I just wanted to let Errors readers know that I posted an update tonight on the Errors blog. I am asking readers to choose between a couple of options, so you may want to jump over to the other blog and voice your opinion:

New Chapters of John's Stories

I've been very remiss in not letting everyone know that John posted new chapters of his two E&O stories.

You can now read chapter 32 of Culture Aftershock here:

And you can read chapter 14 of Linden Gardens, Notting Hill here:

Both chapters are terrific and John's stories are a great way for readers of my stories to pick up additional insights about various characters. Chapter 32 of Culture Aftershock is especially notable to Errors reaeders for the appearance of the man we all love to hate, as well as for a foreshadowing of some interesting interactions you might see in future Errors chapters :).  Is that mysterious enough? Go to read the chapters and see if you can pick up on the clues :)

I also have it on good authority that Chapter 33 of Culture Aftershock may be posted within the next couple of weeks.  That gives you just enough time to catch up :)  Happy Reading!