Thursday, June 27, 2013

DOMA is dead and good riddance! Celebrate with free (with coupon code) stories!

The US Supreme Court could have made me happier yesterday by declaring any law that prohibits gays and lesbians from getting married unconstitutional, but even though they fell a little short of that mark, their ruling on DOMA is still a huge leap in the right direction. I know we are all pleased as punch that every person who is legally married will now receive equal treatment under US federal law. There are still battles left to fight in the various states, but the tide and momentum is shifting and I firmly believe our cause will some day soon win the day across the nation.

In celebration of this momentous occasion, I am offering my two published original stories free on Smashwords with a coupon code.  They're both available in multiple e-book formats, so whether you have a PC, an e-book reader or can only read on-line, you should be able to do so.  Just make sure to type in the coupon code when you're checking out   The coupon codes are only good today, so grab your free stories and tell your friends soon!

To get a copy of  Lakeside Reunion for free, use coupon code NN49G

To get a copy of Handle With Care for free, use coupon code HY59X

Enjoy reading and celebrate one giant step closer to full marriage equality!

Love, Liz

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My originals now on Smashwords

For those of you who prefer to read e-books in formats other than Kindle, or who prefer not to purchase e-books from Amazon, both of my original stories are now available in a variety of e-book formats on Smashwords.

You can find my latest, Lakeside Reunion, at:

And you can find Handle With Care at:

Please note, for this new release I updated the Handle with Care cover. To use marketers' favorite turn of phrase "New Packaging! - Same great taste!" LOL!  Hope you like it!

Of course, both e-books continue to be available at Amazon.  You can find them on my Amazon author page.

Happy Reading!

Love, Liz

Sunday, June 2, 2013

New Original Fiction Short Story: Lakeside Reunion

If you're in the mood for some original fiction, you might consider checking out my new M/M/M erotica short story, Lakeside Reunion.
It's a story about three former college roommates who get together for an informal reunion a year after graduation and discover some secret desires they never shared before. 

There is some plot but it's mostly porn, so if you don't enjoy my style of writing citrus this probably is not the right story for you. Otherwise, you may want to check out how these three hotties spend their night :) 

The e-book is available at

(you can also find it on Amazon's international sites by searching for B00D4WEDFE)

You may also want to check out my blog and web site. I posted information on the YA page about my upcoming novel :)

Thanks for reading and happy Sunday!
