Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Just wanted to wish all my readers a very Merry Christmas!  I hope you all have a wonderful day full of family fun and presents!

If you'd like to see what Christmas looks like at my house, check out this blog post on my YA author's blog.

If you're looking for last minute Christmas gifts or you have an Amazon gift card burning a hole in your pocket or a brand new kindle to fill, my Liz Winters original stories are all available on Amazon for only $0.99 through the end of the day. That includes Harbor with Caution, the sequel to Handle with Care, which was just released last week.

Or if you prefer a sweet YA story, check out my YA novel, selected as a top 3 book of the 2013 by a prominent reviewer on a YA LGBTQ book review blog. It's not on sale, but 50% of the proceeds will go to help LGBTQ homeless youth through Lost 'n Found Youth in Atlanta, GA.

Thank you for all your support and patience (which will hopefully soon be rewarded, as I'm starting to work on the next chapter of Errors)! Again, happy holidays and a very happy new year!

Love, Liz.