Friday, October 12, 2012

Chapter 29 of Culture Aftershock is up!

I'm so excited.  Yesterday John posted chapter 29 of Culture Aftershock, and this one features my favorite - Garrett!  Don't worry, many of the other boys are there too, though when Garrett's around it's hard for me to concentrate on anyone else :-P.  I only wish I had a large fortune for him to manage!  You'll find the chapter on fanfiction by clicking here.  Enjoy and leave John some review love!

1 comment:

  1. HOLY PARADIGM SHIFT! I had NO idea JTrue is a John, and not a Jenny! he's a he! duh! I think I wrote him girly responses! lol...

    FYI, I am so NOT Team with yanking stories off, and going all moral majority?? pisses me OFF! I'm a grown up, damn it, and I want my NC-17!! lol..looooove me some slash! If I wanted G-rated shit, I'da stayed at Twilighted.

    Alas. I will continue to follow the authors and stories I like, no matter where they go. :)

    Happy Holidays!
