Friday, December 21, 2012

"Handle With Care" published on Amazon

Hi Everyone.  I just thought I'd drop in and let you know that my original m/m Christmas romance novelette (approximately 18,000 words) is now available for the Kindle on Amazon.  You don't actually need a Kindle to read it, because you can also read your kindle books in a web-browser app or on many other devices (pc, phone, etc.) using free apps provided by Amazon (find them here).  If you do have a Kindle and you're a member of Amazon Prime, you can also borrow the story for free!  Otherwise it's only $.99 so if you want to buy it, it hopefully won't make a huge dent in your budget.  You can find the story here:

If you do buy it and enjoy it, I'd really appreciate if you told your friends and left a review on Amazon.  Word of mouth advertising is critical for self-published authors, and Amazon reviews help other readers who do not know my fan fiction work make their purchasing decisions. If you have time you can also hit the "like" button on the Amazon page below the book title (You need to be logged into your Amazon account to do this, I think).  Amazon uses the number of "likes" in their algorithms that ultimately calculate the popularity of a book and  determine where the book gets listed in reader searches.

Thank you all for your support and rest assured that I have not given up on my fan fiction.  As we speak I'm finishing my NaNo novel and fully intend to go back to writing Errors when that is done.  I have it on good authority that things will be less crazy at work in 2013, which means that I will be less cranky and hopefully will be able to finish up Errors for you in a jiffy. And as I said before, this time I will wait until it is all done before I start posting, so that once I start posting again you will be assured that the rest of the story will be forthcoming without any further delays. I'll post updates here periodically as I write to let you know how I'm doing.

Thanks again and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year!



  1. OMG! I loved it!
    Again congratulations for publishing, such a big step for you I'm sure :-D
    Big hug and Merry Xmas!

  2. Too good to be buried in the blog, get this out and aired

  3. I bought this some months ago and just read it. It was fabulous. I wanted a romance to read and out was great. I liked these 2 men together. I check everyday for an update on errors and ommissions. So I hope work is less hectic for u. Great story, handle with care. Melissa
